What A Night!
On Wednesday the 1st May 2019 I was given the amazing opportunity to sit in the pit band for the Rocky Horror Picture show and see what it's actually like to be a Musical Director. It was one of the best days of my life.
This all came about from a letter I dropped into the stage door of the Empire theatre in Liverpool asking whether the Musical Director, George Carter, would mind doing an interview with me as part of my Masters research. Not only did he let me interview him but he also offered me the chance to sit with him in the pit for the show and go to vocal warm ups and see what Musical Director life is like. This is an opportunity I could not pass up.
The interview started at 5:45 and by 6:45 I was stood on the corner of the stage at the Empire watching vocal warm ups and being a tiny bit starstruck (Duncan James and Joanna Clifton were there!!). I also got too experience the creatives giving Parish notes to the cast about various little tit bits and choreography bits they wanted to go over. George also gave some music notes which were really quite minor things that just needed a bit more style or cleaning up which when I saw the show I knew which bits he meant.
I was also introduced to the cast which was a bit daunting but they all said hi to me and were lovely. Kind of wish I'd got a programme now and asked for a few autographs but I didn't think about it at the time and I probably wouldn't have been brave enough to ask them.
About 10 minutes before the show started I was taken up to where the pit band play. Traditionally pit bands played in the pit of a theatre hence their name. However, for Rocky Horror the band are up on a platform looking down on the stage which offers an interesting view that's for sure. It was then that I first met the other four members of the band who were the best group of people. The comradery they have is just the best, there's always some banter going on and when they all play together it's so tight and stylistic.
I was sat closest to Nathan Hawken, the best sax player I have ever had the pleasure to meet. As a sax player myself I could really appreciate his talent and skill. I know for sure I would not be able to play as well as him. He recommend me some different sax reeds though which I will be sure to try out, I've always wanted to try new sax reeds but never really knew what to get so thanks Nathan!
Behind Nathan sat Dan Hall, Bassist one of the funniest people I have ever met and so cultured. He knows the show so well that he almost didn't need the music as he mouthed the notes to us as he played.
Next in line was Kit Craig-Lowdon, guitarist with all his guitars. As a rock and roll show Rocky Horror has lots of opportunities for guitar solos but there we also some nice delicate little guitar moments during some of the ballads which I really enjoyed.
And finally, sat at the back of the line in his own little box, was Craig Hanson, Drummer. Before I met my other half I didn't really know how to appreciate the drums but since being educated I feel like I can say that Craig's drum fills and style was sick. At some points I remember looking across and thinking 'how is he doing that while looking so relaxed?'
Obviously I can't not mention the MD himself George. He had an impressive set up of two sets of keys, one just for a piano sound then another with all the other sounds he needed like tubular bells and harpsichord. Alongside that he had a screen showing the on-stage action, a camera on him for the screens for the cast, a talk back mic and all the click track tech. Sitting in with him made me realise how much an MD actually has to concentrate on. I mean I know if I ever got to be an MD i wouldn't be playing the keys as I am not competent enough but would rather be stick conducting, there is still a lot to do and I am grateful to him for sort of showing me the ropes.
By the end of the show I really did feel like part of the band. We were all laughing and chatting with each other and I even got invited to the pub! If you've never seen Rocky Horror then be warned it is quite a weird show but it's SOOO good. The music is epic and the cast are all so good. If it's coming to a theatre near you the I highly recommend you go see it even just for the music because these guys really can play! You can see where they are touring to here.
All I have left to say is to thank the guys for letting me come and be a part of the band for the night and for being so welcoming and lovely. Thanks guys you're the best!