A Quick Update
Hey there! It’s so good to be back! It’s been a while I know, totally my bad it’s just been crazy since I moved back to Liverpool, what with starting my masters course, casting and rehearsing the next LUST show and moving into a new house with friends. I’ve hardly had time to eat never mind blog!
So, where to start? Well, in August I moved into the new house with four of my friends. We have a cute little house in the Georgian Quarter overlooking the Cathedral. It’s Bliss. Although my room does feel like the depths of hell sometimes because it’s so hot in there but at least I won’t be cold! As a house full of musicians, there’s always some kind of music going on. We love to blast out ‘Love Shack’ while we’re washing up not to mention the constant humming and tapping as people go about their days. And before you ask, yes, I have heard most of my housemates singing in the shower…
Rehearsals for the next show I’m MD-ing are well under way. If you hadn’t guessed from my Instagram post the show is RENT, one of my FAVOURITE musicals. If you don’t know the story you can find a synopsis here. As a sung through musical there is a LOT of stuff for me and my co-MD to teach and rehearse, almost forty songs worth, and although not many of these songs require full cast it is still proving difficult to fit all the content in our rehearsal times. Everything is going well though we have done the biggest song in the whole show ‘La Vie Boheme’ and it sounds SICK!
The Masters course is also going along nicely. Not a lot to report at the minute just been doing a LOT of reading, and when I say a lot I really mean A L O T. But it will all be worth it in the end.
Anyway that’s all for now. Just thought I’d give you a quick update. I’ll be better at posting from now on I promise!!